Sunday, March 22, 2020

Establishing Yourself as a Private Cooking Tutor

Establishing Yourself as a Private Cooking Tutor Advice for Making a Name for Yourself as a Private Cooking Tutor ChaptersUsing Word of Mouth to Find StudentsUsing the Internet to Find StudentsClassified AdsPartner with Professionals“Cooking is an expression that crosses boundaries.” - Ranveer BrarCooking is becoming more popular and many cooking shows have helped popularise it. That said, we still love cooking cheap, simple, and fast meals.As a cooking tutor, it’s your job to help students to become a veritable master chef, but first, you need to find students for your cooking classes.With that in mind, here’s our advice on how to fill your planner with private cooking tutorials. GiovanniCooking Teacher 4.83 (12) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HalimaCooking Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HakimCooking Teacher 5.00 (5) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors VincenzoCooking Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GinellaCooking Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ArronCooking Teacher 5.00 (2) £9/h1st lesson fr ee!Discover all our tutors JoshuaCooking Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FlickCooking Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsUsing Word of Mouth to Find StudentsSo you’ve decided to become a private cooking tutor. The first thing you should do is tell the people you know that they can get a cooking class from you. Whether you’re teaching private baking tutorials, molecular cuisine, Italian cooking, or how to make sushi, tell your friends and family about it. If your lessons (and dishes) are good, your students will talk about them. (Source: stevepb)Normally, they’ll probably know that you love cooking and know your way around the kitchen. Don’t hesitate to mention to them that you’re now offering private cooking tutorials and don't forget that you can also tell people at work, at the gym, and even your neighbours.You need to find students to get started with your new career. You’ll have to stop offering free tutorials or mates’ rates. That said, you can do practice lessons with your friends and family.Don’t underestimate the power of word-of-mouth. It’s often those closest to you that will help you find work. If this doesn’t work, you won’t have lost much money or time.Your neighbours, friends, and family will know that you’re available to teach private cooking tutorials and if it comes up in conversation with anyone they know, they’ll mention it.Focus on your culinary experience: your years of experience, the style of cooking you do, how you teach, etc. and mention your teaching approaches, especially if you offer lessons to kids.Once you get your first students, word of mouth will become even more effective as they start to tell their friends and families about your lessons.Find out more about teaching private cooking tutorials.Using the Internet to Find StudentsIf somebody’s looking for something, where do they go?Google!Having an online presence is essential in this day and age.There are a few ways you can do this. Don’t use just one method but rather a multitude of them so that people can find you quickly and easily. The internet is a great tool for finding students and promoting their tutorials. (Source: arembowski)Cooking BlogsIt’s never been easier to make a website or a blog. Every cooking school has a website and so should you. We recommend using WordPress. The platform is intuitive and great for new users and aspiring chefs.Firstly, choose the name of your site. You can use your name for this but it’s probably better to have something to do with cooking in the title. For example, you could go with “Alex’s Cooking Blog”, “Sandra’s Sweet Treats”, “Paella Pete”, or “Miss Steak”. The name should also have something to do with the type of food you cook and the cooking techniques you teach, too. For example, if you’re offering Chinese cooking lessons, you might want to go with something that makes them think of China.Once you’ve chosen the name for your blog or site, you should check if the domain is available.Next, you just have to build your blog. You can publish art icles with recipes, which products are in season, your favourite cooking tools and utensils, etc.  Don’t forget to do an “About” page so people can learn more about you, your thoughts on cooking, your knowledge of the culinary arts, and what your culinary classes include. Say who you are, what you teach, how you teach, and talk about your experience and qualifications.Similarly, mention the types of students you teach, the levels you teach, and how you can help them. You might also want to mention if you have a cancellation policy because you don't want to give up a weeknight for a lesson to have your student cancel.You’ll probably want a page dedicated to the services you offer. Mention what you offer:Home private tutorials.Home cooking workshops.Specialist sessions: French cuisine, knife skills, tapas, street food, Italian cuisine, wine tasting, etc.Professional chef or catering services.Make it clear whether you’re looking for individuals or businesses and whether you o ffer courses for events like team-building, hen parties, etc. Don’t forget to mention what your speciality is: Fine dining, fresh produce, wine pairings, Thai cuisine, gluten-free cooking, etc.This is also the page where you should mention how much you charge (or a representative rate if you tailor your rates) and allow students to leave reviews. Reviews are helpful for new students.Social NetworksSocial networks work a bit like virtual word of mouth so use them to tell people about your new career.For example, you could mention on your Facebook that you’re now a private cooking tutor. Don’t hesitate to make a Facebook page for your cooking tutorial business where students can leave reviews, share news and the articles from your blog, and keep your fans up to date with your life as a chef and your upcoming classes and what they should learn to cook.After all, since cooking is very visual, you should also use social networks like Instagram and Pinterest to share pictures of you r dishes with fans and students. Pictures of food are among the most popular on Pinterest and Instagram. Use them to improve your business.Show off your cooking skills, put together recipes for cooking with seasonal ingredients, and post your class schedule to make sure that all your fans and students are up to date.YouTubeYou could even make videos on cooking to draw in customers on a YouTube channel. Cooking is about sharing and you can show potential students how to make certain dishes.So how do you do it?Try and make your videos short and dynamic. Write the ingredients and recipe on the screen. You can just add text. You’ll need a few editing skills but they’re easily learnt.There are plenty of people that go to YouTube to learn how to cook for date night, learn new cooking methods, or just get ideas for things to do with the ingredients they have in the house. If people like your videos, they'll be more likely to want private classes from you.Find out how much you should be charging for your tutorials.Classified AdsClassified ads still work. After all, a single method of advertising your business isn’t guaranteed to work; you need to diversify your marketing. It’s better to choose to promote your business through various channels. Classified ads and posters are still an effective way to find new students for your cooking tutorials. (Source: JillWellington)There are also sites where you can create profiles for your business or set up ads. Craigslist and Gumtree are for all types of ads but there are also specialised tutoring websites like Superprof.Usually, it’s free to create a profile and the clearer your ad or profile is, the more likely you’ll find students as they’ll know what you offer and what to expect.Just like with your website, make sure you mention your specialities, rates, pedagogy, etc. Also mention who your tutorials are for: children, beginners, intermediates, advanced students, etc. Mention when you’re available to teach: evenings, weekends, weekdays, etc. State your rates (or a sample if you tailor them) or encourage students to ask for a quote.Similarly, you can use the tried-and-tested method of posting classified ads on notice boards in local businesses. Focus on places where people buy ingredients like bakeries, butchers, fishmongers, grocers, etc. You can also try restaurants but don’t forget to ask before you put up your ad, though!Learn how to teach online cooking tutorials.Partner with ProfessionalsTo find students, you can always partner with other professionals and businesses. There are people in similar lines of work that can help you promote your business. Getting other businesses to advertise for you and recommend your tutorials is a great way to find new students. (Source: naramfigueiredo)For example, if you don’t offer a catering service, find caterers who do and promote them to your students and ask the caterers to do the same for your tutorials. You promote them and they promote you.You can also ask the local bakers, restaurants, wedding planners (for hen-parties), etc. Get creative!Make sure you’ve tried the service you’re promoting, a bad recommendation could tarnish your reputation.Learn more about teaching tutorials at your students' homes.Ready?Now you can start looking for students for your cooking tutorials!Remember that you can also sign up to Superprof, make a profile, and start finding students for your cooking tutorials, too.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Definition of vertical angles

Definition of vertical angles Definition of vertical angles is very important to understand in geometry. These are basically those angles which are on other extreme with respect to other angle, like a and b and c and d, it is only when the two lines cross each other. These can be better understood by the following figure: In the above figure angle a and b angle c and d are vertical opposite angles. It is important to note that these angles are always. That is angle a = angle b, and angle c= angle d. Problem 1: Find the unknown angle c and d in the below mentioned figure: Solution: Given One angle is 80 degree and other angle is 100 degrees. = We have to find the value of angle c and angle d. = For the same we know that vertical opposite angles are equal = Since Angle c and Angle 100 degrees are vertical opposite angles, so they must be equal. = Hence, Angle c = 100 degrees. = Similarly Angle d and 80 degree are vertical opposite angles, so they must be equal. = Hence, Angle d = 80 degrees Problem 2: Find the unknown angle c and d in the below mentioned figure:- Solution: Given One angle is 90 degree and other angle is also 90 degrees. = We have to find the value of angle c and angle d = For the same we know that vertical opposite angles are equal = Since Angle c and Angle 90 degrees are vertical opposite angles, so they must be equal. = Hence, Angle c = 90 degrees. = Similarly Angle d and 90 degree are vertical opposite angles, so they must be equal. = Hence, Angle d = 90 degrees = So, all angles are equal to 90 degrees.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Linguistic Difficulties When Learning Russian

Linguistic Difficulties When Learning Russian Why is Russian Difficult to Learn? ChaptersThe First Difficulty of the Russian Language: the Cyrillic AlphabetThe Second Difficulty of the Russian Language: An Often Complex PronunciationThe Third Difficulty of the Russian Language: The DeclensionsThe Fourth Difficulty of the Russian Language: Grammar and ConjugationRigor is Important if You Would Like to Speak Russian!Are you soon visiting the Moscow capital of Russia? Are you soon going on a several month language stay in Saint Petersburg? Are you looking to have a change of scenery and to discover more deeply what the Russian culture has to offer?In any case, knowing how to speak Russian can be an advantage and create a link with Russian locals.When attempting to learn a language, one must be aware of the language's main difficulties. Learning Russian presents some difficulties, as we will see, but arming yourself with willpower and motivation will remain your best weapon if you are looking to succeed!The Mosalingua platform, recognized among other things for its l anguage learning methods, classifies Dostoevsky's language as the third most complex language to learn after the difficult Mandarin and Arabic.According to the LA Times:There are aspects of Chinese that make it hard for foreigners to learn, and there are aspects that make it difficult for native Chinese. I think the one that gets the most press â€" and is in some sense the most controversial â€" is the Chinese characters. For alphabetic languages, there’s what they call a virtuous loop between the writing, speaking and listening â€" those three categories constitute one composite skill. But the problem with Chinese, and to some degree Japanese, is it breaks that loop. Speaking does not necessarily help your reading. Reading doesn’t necessarily help your writing. These become three different skills that have to be mastered in parallel, and separately.But though learning Russian will not be as difficult as learning to speak Mandarin Chinese, learning to speak Russian will not be a s easy as learning Spanish or French. However, this ranking remains totally subjective and will vary from one person to another.To cheer you up a bit, Ioannis Ikonomou, a European official in the Brussels Parliament and a man who is fluent in more than forty different languages, considers that the most complex language is Hungarian, before Mandarin Chinese or Russian...Rigor is Important if You Would Like to Speak Russian!Russian is far from the Latin alphabet. So don't forget to study up on that.We will never stop repeating it, but learning a foreign language cannot be improvised. Rigor, regular work, and motivation are the main ingredients for success. This is especially true in the case of learning Russian.To gain fluency in oral expression, why not decide to learn the Russian declensions via a worksheet and repeat this over several days. This will ultimately help you to gain a real handle on the Russian language and its particularities.As suggested by the Mosalingua method, lear ning a language requires an almost daily investment  if you want to perfect the assets your learned yesterday and incorporate the novelties you learned today. It is a long-term job, which will have to be repeated, day after day, to validate your skills, deepen certain notions, and progress in Russian quickly!If you are going to live in Russia, knowing more about the local culture will definitely come in handy.And don't forget: some of the greatest writers who’ve ever lived wrote only in Russian.  If you learn Russian, you’ll be able to read the likes of Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Bulgakov, Chekhov, Gogol, Pushkin, and many more, all in the original.In short:This article is not intended to discourage the learner in his quest for mastery of Pushkin's language. Nevertheless, it is a fair  warning about the difficulties of the Russian language and a reminder  that you will probably encounter them on your learning adventure.However, the picture is far from dreary. There are many aspects wh ere the Russian language is much simpler than others. For example, verb conjugation means that it is not necessary to use a pronoun, because the verbal forms are distinct and indirectly imply the said pronoun. Similarly, there is no hesitation between a definite or indefinite article. Many second language learners (for whom Russian is not a mother tongue) testify to the pleasure of speaking this language, which some truly consider to be a great work of art.Moreso than for any other language, it will not be possible to learn to speak Russian properly if one is not really motivated. It requires a well-defined learning objective and some real motivation (a long trip to Russia, working in Russia, a year of study in Moscow or Saint Petersburg, etc...).

Is It Hard To Learn Hindi

Is It Hard To Learn Hindi Is Learning Hindi Easy Or Difficult? ChaptersFacts About HindiSimilarities With Other LanguagesEasiest Ways To Learn How To Speak HindiLearning a new language, with all those new words and phrases, is always going to be a challenge for any learner, no matter how smart you are or how easily you learn new words to use in conversation. Even though many of us can get by when it comes to communicating with people who speak a foreign language, becoming proficient in their language generally takes time and a lot of effort. That is why learning the Hindi language is well worth it!That said, learning a new language doesn't have to be difficult. While it will challenge you, when you learn to speak a new language it is incredibly satisfying and many say that being bilingual or even multi-lingual makes you more intelligent.You will certainly impress if you come out with fluently spoken grammar and vocabulary in Hindi next time you visit India!So, what is there about the Hindi alphabet that resembles our own language? Start learning Hindi, which is said to be the language of India, and you could also then find easier to learn other languages and dialects spoken by Indians (as well as Indo Aryan languages) such as Bengali, Pakistan, Mumbai, Korean and Gujarati.Keeping the momentum up when learning a new language is key, and it couldn't be easier to do this than with a language app.Some of the most well-known apps are of course DuoLingo and Rocket Languages, but with the first being free many people will start with this cheaper option. What's more, with an app like DuoLingo, all you need to do is spend 5 minutes a day, 7 days of the week, studying or playing to progress your skills. While this sounds arduous, you will probably find yourself hooked and will spend far more time looking at your screen and going through the lessons than the bare minimum!If you are being serious about learning Hindi, why not hire a private Hindi tutor.However, you don't have to restrict yourself to apps designed as teaching resources . You could always search your chosen app store for games published in Hindi and try your hand at muddling your way through! Playing games definitely sounds more fun than studying for hours on end and it lets you have fun along the way!Radio and PodcastsWhile videos can offer something for your visual senses as well as your hearing, radio and podcasts shouldn't be ruled out as a method of language learning.If anything, having the radio playing in the background whilst focusing on other tasks around the house can sometimes be as beneficial as sitting down and studying for an hour or two. It's a bit like white noise - the comfort of the sounds you hear will envelop you and become second nature, making it so much easier to pronounce  words when you get around to speaking Hindi with others.One fabulous podcast for Hindi beginners is HindiPod 101, which features over 880 Audio and Video Lessons with engaging hosts. As well as the listening advantages, the podcast creators provide followe rs with learning tools like vocabulary flashcards and PDF lesson notes to take away and revise.Furthermore, there is a lively discussion forum for any queries relating to Hindi!Listening to the radio or podcasts is a great way to improve your language skills. Photo on VisualHuntGo Abroad!Finally, the easiest way to absorb a new language is to see first hand the culture of the country and hear the locals communicating with one another. In the county, you'll have visual prompts all around you such as road signs, places of interest and much more to help you to get by and have exchanges with the residents.By working or attending a study group in the country, you will no doubt master the language far more quickly than if you were sat at home at your desk. By using the language in its context, it is much more likely to stick in your brain for a lasting effect.

Summer School Tips for High Schoolers

Summer School Tips for High Schoolers You did it! You made it through finals and the end-of-the-school-year pushnow to arrive at the start of summer school. That could mean the dreaded return of early mornings and hours spent in the classroom, but it could also mean learning some interesting material and hanging out with friends from class. You may be wanting to make the summer school transition and experience as smooth and effective as possible. Summer school tips for high schoolers can include taking a break first, communicating with others about your expectations for the summer, keeping an open mind, and remaining focused on the goal at hand. Summer school tip #1: Take a break Hopefully youll have a window of time before you start summer school. Even if its just a weekend, take advantage of it. Think about what you were dreaming about doing while in the midst of studying. Was it sleeping in? Playing basketball with your friends? Catching up on all your favorite TV shows? Do those things! Theyll replenish you and help create a restful time. [RELATED: The Best Study Breaks: How to Avoid Study Overload] This is also a great habit to start cultivating before college. There is always work to be done, so its important to learn how to set aside healthy break time. Summer school tip #2: Be prepared for your summer school course(s) Before the start of summer school, make sure you know exactly what will be expected of you. This may include: specific books, notebooks, writing utensils, or other materials a varying time commitment transportation arrangements balancing any summer extracurriculars Gather your materials, get organized, and be prepared. This will help you jump into the course ready to learn and get as much out of the experience as possible. If you are spending part of the summer in the classroom, you want to put yourself in the best possible position to reap the benefits. Summer school tip #3: Stay focused on the goal There are several different reasons for attending summer school. Sometimes its to retake a course, get ahead, or pursue enrichment activities. These are all very different goals and require different tactics. If youre retaking a course, it might be good to pinpoint what didnt work in the course before. Were you getting enough support on homework? Did you find that a certain learning style didnt work for you? Some reflection might bring about more success this round. If youre trying to get ahead in a subject or try something new, check out your subject online and start previewing. Previewing helps with comprehending and remembering information long-term. Summer school tip #4: Figure out what kind of structure you need Some students know exactly what they need to bring about academic success. Some are still figuring it out. Wherever you are, create some sort of structure for your summer school class. Maybe its setting a timer for 30 minutes for an intensive, uninterrupted study time. Maybe its getting together with some new friends from class and making the material a little more fun and manageable. Or maybe its buying a planner and actually making a plan for the week every Sunday evening. Whatever it is, make a plan and stick to it throughout the summer. [RELATED: Time Management Tips for Students] Summer school tip #5: Keep an open mind Summer school can sometimes get a bad rap because, well, its school in the summer. But it doesnt have to be a negative experience. Without the pressure of having all of your classes at the same time and extracurriculars piled on top, you can really take the time to fully learn and understand the material in the class. You might not realize this now, but that time is a gift. Plus, your teacher might end up sparking your interest in something youve never thought of before, oryou might end up meeting your new best friend. Who knows! Keeping an open mind can bring about these possibilities. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

Why Music is a Great Extracurricular Activity

Why Music is a Great Extracurricular Activity Being well-rounded for college applications is of course one of the top reasons students join school organizations and clubs. However, there are a lot more benefits to be gained from extracurricular activities than extra bullet points on the resum. Extracurriculars can boost college successas well! With such an extensive selection of groups to choose from, how do you pick? You can find everything from sports to more academically-inclined societies to areas of the fine arts. One area of the fine arts that can be particularly good for students is music. It is difficult to find someone who does not enjoy and appreciate music on at least some level, so joining a music-related organization should be a no-brainer for many students who are looking for that perfect extracurricular. Your mainstream options in this field are band, orchestra, and choir each of them have great things to offer that can really give a student the support they need in a busy academic schedule. Often, students will fear that a time-consuming extracurricular activity will aggrandize their workload and increase stress levels, but the typical result is quite the opposite. In fact, most students end up learning to prioritize a lot better when they have highly demanding extracurriculars in their schedule. So why choose music? What music offers is much more detail-oriented programs that also allow students the opportunity to learn a whole new skill. Learning to play music is a challenge that lets students exercise their brain in new ways. While some may feel this would be another burden of material to learn on top of an already hectic homework load, it can actually be a soothing relief for the brain to give the student a healthy break from schoolwork but still keep his or her mind working. Many people find learning, playing, and listening to music to be therapeutic, so being so engaged in it on a regular basis could give a student great emotional stability as well. You may also want to check out these tips on how to make the most of college extracurriculars. One major element of these music-related activities that gets overlooked is the team aspect of them. An important thing to remember is that sports are not the only endeavor available for students looking to be part of a team effort. Being a part of a musical ensemble creates an incredibly special sense of belonging that all students are comfortably welcomed into. It takes every singer and every instrumentalist to produce the big sound that ultimately emerges from the group. No one is ever on the bench, so to speak. Additionally, music is never a one-size-fits-all opportunity. There are several different parts of the ensemble that you can fit into. For instance, the choir needs a plethora of different voices for different ranges and keys, rather than a hundred people singing the same part. Discovering if you are a soprano, a tenor, or something else can be an interesting new fact about yourself that you never knew before. You may surprise yourself as to what you can do with that voice of yours! When it comes to band and orchestra, of course, you have the many various instruments to choose from. No one will force you to play anything you dont want to, so the infinite possibilities of what instrument you might take on can be quite exciting. If you are absolutely clueless as to what these instruments are all about, ask the respective music teacher they should be happy to guide you through the selection process. Make sure you really take some time to investigate and make your final decision about what instrument you will play, because you will hopefully be investing some serious time in it. If youre lucky, it could end up being your new passion. The strong possibility of that new passion is another reason to consider music as an extracurricular. In addition to taking on the activity as a whole, you will find a new individual responsibility that could significantly increase your involvement and give you a personal hobby to enjoy. Students who invest in such an idea will typically be more encouraged to bring that creative and critical thinking to school every day and hopefully apply it more often to their classes. Never underestimate the power of having something to be excited about and how it can positively affect your daily experiences in this case, the educational experience. Joining a musical ensemble creates a comfort zone for students to express their creativity and let it blossom in a place where their peers are having the exact same goals. Plus, events like extra practices, concerts, and competitions provide that exciting incentive to keep going. With this at the end of a school day, a student has many reasons to stay bright and interested in their academic world. If anything, the activity allows for an intriguing new area of learning, which is always a good thing. You may want to check out these tips on how to choose your extracurricular activitiesif you aren't sure if music is the best extracurricular for you.

Walk-me-through the Main Features

Walk-me-through the Main Features You may have noticed the latest addition to the Virtual Writing Tutor grammar checker main page. Its a short little walkthrough of the principal features of the grammar checker for newcomers. You only get to see it twice before it disappears forever. Why did we add it? The Problem One usability issue I see again and again is my students rushing to click on the grammar checker button, forgoing all others. Why is that a problem, you ask? It is a grammar checker, after all. Simply put, the grammar checking engine works much better if you eliminate your spelling errors first because it needs to recognize the parts of speech for each word in a sentence before it can tell if your sentence has any errors in it. If you write It dont work, the system cant check for a verb agreement error if it doesnt recognize dont as a verb first. Clicking the Check spelling button, eliminating your spelling errorsin this case by adding an apostropheand then clicking Check grammar is likely to produce better results every time. As with any tool, using the Virtual Writing Tutor step-by-step will help you eliminate more errors in the long run. The Solution So, how can we get users to learn the steps to produce the best results? A little training is in order. Thats what motivated us to add this Show-Me-How walkthrough tutorial. Of course there are other features that are underused and could learners improve their writing if they only knew about them, so here are the 9 steps of the walkthrough we added to the VWT. If you follow or dismiss the walkthrough tutorial twice, it will never show again. We store a cookie in your browser to keep count. Add this feature to your website If you would like to add this Show-Me-How feature to your website, drop us a line and well send you a quote. It wont be expensive because we have done all the design, research, and testing beforehand. Youll benefit from our experience. Please follow and like us:

7 Unique Lunch Spots Near University of Minnesota

7 Unique Lunch Spots Near University of Minnesota Here are 7 great spots for lunch near UMNs campus. 1. The Beacon Public House Beacon Public House is only a two-minute walk from UMNs campus, which makes it a perfect spot for lunch when on or visiting campus. This restaurant serves American cuisine and serves lunch from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. This is a great spot if you are craving a good sandwich, burger or salad. The Beacon Public House website describes their restaurant as follows: The Beacon Public House near the University of Minnesota is The Common’s new signature restaurant, giving diners an alternative to the local chain and fast-casual restaurants. Our Minneapolis University restaurant features regional-influenced gastropub cuisine, blending local product and character into a refined menu all with a strong sense of local identity. 2. Annies Parlour Annies Parlour is a great spot to grab a quick and yummy lunch. It is less than a mile (a 14-minute walk) away from campus and has outdoor seating to allow you and family and/or friends to enjoy the nice weather. Annies serves American food, which is perfect for all your burger, grilled cheese, onion ring, and root beer float needs! 3. Bordertown Coffee Only an 11-minute walk from UMNs campus, Bordertown Coffee is probably one of the most unique coffee shops you will come across because it is located in a former frat house. They serve coffee from small farms all over the world, along with delicious baked goods, such as banana bread. So if you are a light lunch eater, this could be the perfect spot for you. Bordertown also has what they call the library room, which is a small room that students can reserve for groups to meet. This can be great for those group projects or study groups for exams. 4. Punch Neapolitan Pizza Punch is a great spot for lunch when you want pizza. It is only a one-minute walk from campus, allowing it to be a quick lunch run when you are crunched for time. They serve a variety of pizzas, such as Toscano and Bruni, along with other foods, like salads. The Punch Neapolitan Pizza describes their restaurant as such: There isn’t a place in the world where pizza is more ingrained in the culture than Naples. It is, after all, where pizza was born. That includes firing your pizza in a wood-burning oven to a blistering 900 degrees. Punch utilizes the same centuries-old techniques that Neapolitan masters use to create a truly authentic pizza. The world’s finest crushed tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, and top-secret dough form the foundation of the pizza, but the true craft is in mastering the wood fired oven. 5. Burrito Loco If you are in the mood for a Mexican style lunch, Burrito Loco is a great spot to hit with family members or friends. Burrito Loco is almost a mile away from UMNs campus, which is about an 18-minute walk. Their menu includes buffalo/BBQ chicken tenders, queso smothered fries/tots, and a variety of burritos. This is how the  Burrito Loco website describes the restaurant: Were one of Dinkytowns top spots to get a killer burrito or check out the game. Come find out why our reviews say things like:   5 years later and I still have dreams of this place.  I lived off of their burritos when I was in college.   A burrito right?! Wrong. Its a freakin way of life. And they do it very well here! 6. Purple Onion Café The Purple Onion Café serves homestyle cuisine including salads, soups, burgers, and a wide variety of cold and hot sandwiches. This makes it a perfect spot to grab lunch; it is also only a 15-minute walk from campus. The Purple Onion Cafés website describes their restaurant as follows: Looking for a relaxing place to work or study?  In the mood for a delicious fresh baked pastry or a hearty meal? Or just looking for a place to relax in the sun and enjoy a fresh cup of locally roasted gourmet coffee?   Here at the Purple Onion Café, along with our sister store, Espresso Expose, we have everything you need!   7. Big 10 The Big 10 has just about any dish you can think of, making it a great spot for lunch when you and your friends cannot agree on one type of food to eat. It is right by campus, only a three-minute walk. The Big Ten is known for having the best subs and wings in town, but we have so much more to offer. From burgers to  nachos, from french dips to cajun fries, coney dogs to soups, salads to desserts the Big Ten has everyone covered! 700 on Washington [phone: 218-282-2328]  is proud to partner with the Salvation Army to collect clothing, furniture, household goods, and appliances for donation to benefit our community. All proceeds are used to fund the Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Centers, where beneficiaries find help, hope, and a second chance at life through work therapy, education, counseling and spiritual development.